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Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 11:31 pm
by JHowell
Neil Flancbaum (smokinholsters) made some beautiful buckskin leather bags for me, cost was around $150 for 20. Beats the snot out of the time it took to make bags myself. Which is why we have things like money and commerce, after all.


Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 7:04 am
by geigerpipes
I have the luck of having a girlfreind with a clothes designer education as a bottom ( shes makes a hell of a pipe too)she does our nice leather pounces and all she demand is a little lovin' ..


Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 7:57 am
by Nick
And we all know that you got the Love!

Hehehehe. Okokok. You've probably heard that joke like a million times. I'm a goof. But I just couldn't help myself.

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 10:14 am
by geigerpipes
just had the time to read throug the previous posts of tis subject and marveled at how you guys go at each other... if you make a bigger pounch and fill it with sand mabey you could get some of thouse agressions

I have been in "artist" surroundings since i was born my step-fateher is a glasblower and my grandmother was a big clothes designer in the states amongst others.. i learned a good lesson if you boost your ego too much and think to highly of your self you will get blind to the greatness of others
and stop learning yourself... stay humble guys it goes much longer than cockiness as in the end there is always someone greater than you wheter you see it or not but it doesnt make them higher beeings...

Dont know if i missunderstood things here in that case sorry..if you feel offended well then i might have struck something , look within

Love :lol:

Ps : beeing able to spend 600 dollars on a pipe doesnt aoutomaticly grant you good taste

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:18 pm
by sagiter
Hi all,

I make pipe socks from 3 - 5 oz. buckskin or elk. Elk is prohibitive in price. The socks in buckskin run $10 retail. There are quantity discounts available as well as discounts for pipe makers.

I can tell you this much, after making the bags for Tukotomi pipes i have learned several things. first off, customers of mid to high grade pipes appreciate the additional expense the pipemaker went through to provide a quality bag. I have received many emails from those pipe customers commenting on the bag (as well as additional bag orders). The same holds true for the tamper socks I make for Art Ruppelt (Ming-Kahuna).

Tha "packaging" is very important especially if you are going to reach for the stars and start charging those usurous pipe prices like that johnson guy. I own what is becoming more than a few of that characters pipes and he delivers them in these horrible ultrasuede things, yech.

Anyway, interesting to find a thread like this here....

Sorry for the pseudo-ad but it's more a comment about customer impressions and memories than anything else.


Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:26 pm
by Tyler
sagiter wrote:Hi all,

I make pipe socks from 3 - 5 oz. buckskin or elk. Elk is prohibitive in price. The socks in buckskin run $10 retail. There are quantity discounts available as well as discounts for pipe makers.
I'll vouch for the quality of Neil's work. I have been Jonesing for one of his pipe bags for sometime, but have yet to get a hold of one. I have checked them out in person though, and I can assure you he makes TOP quality stuff.
Tha "packaging" is very important especially if you are going to reach for the stars and start charging those usurous pipe prices like that johnson guy. I own what is becoming more than a few of that characters pipes and he delivers them in these horrible ultrasuede things, yech.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


P.S. Welcome Neil! Glad you joined the forum.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 2:01 pm
by sagiter
Thanks to all who posted regarding my bags and socks and all the other stuff.

OK, I've gotten a bunch of emails regarding pipe socks so here's the lowdown. They reatil to the puclic through at $10.00 apiece. The criteria for a discount from me is this, I offer wholesale pricing to pipemakers be they part-time or full-time with one caveat. You must offer your product for sale OR show me enough promise to think that one day you'll be selling your stuff. this might seem harsh but for now it's the way it has to be. I have a fairly good eye for pipes and i'm a mid/high grade collector, my discretion is not that harsh :-))

When I posted here I assumed that for the most part I was speaking to pipemakers. I didn't realize that there were a bunch of lurkers like me who merely want to read the chatter :-))

Anyway, I have already referred folks to smokingpipes or quoted wholesale prices to pipemakers based on the criteria shown.

oh and Tyler if you actually showed up at some shows with some pipes there is a chance we might do the trading :-))


Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 3:22 pm
by ToddJohnson
sagiter wrote:Tha "packaging" is very important especially if you are going to reach for the stars and start charging those usurous pipe prices like that johnson guy. I own what is becoming more than a few of that characters pipes and he delivers them in these horrible ultrasuede things, yech.
They're made of burgundy glovesoft leather not "ultrasuede." Get it right leather boy! Besides, don't you have a hundred or so tamper condoms to make? :wink:

Todd--who will not be cutting Neil a new stem for at least 6 months now.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 5:41 pm
by marks
Todd Johnson Wrote
Todd--who will not be cutting Neil a new stem for at least 6 months now.
You are just too funny! :lol:

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 7:54 am
by Tyler
sagiter wrote: oh and Tyler if you actually showed up at some shows with some pipes there is a chance we might do the trading :-))

Yeah, yeah, yeah...:)

See you in Richmond.

