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Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:28 pm
by LittleBill
Real name: Bill Grumbine

Age: 56

Location: Kutztown PA

Years a pipe smoker: 39, on and off.

How you got into pipe making: I have owned and run my own woodworking business, primarily woodturning, for over 20 years now. Being a pipe smoker, I figured they were made of wood, so how hard could it be? I am finding out!

Other interesting facts: Teaching and traveling have been a huge part of my business for 20 years now. I have been all over the US and even up into Canada to demonstrate and teach at woodturning clubs, mostly because of two videos I made. In addition, we have been host at our home to many students who have all sorts of interesting backgrounds. Between classes here at my shop, and those in other venues, I have personally taught well over 1000 turners of all skill levels. Add in the videos and the number grows to over 10,000.

I am also an NRA certified firearms instructor for several different classes. I love helping new shooters find the excitement of the sport, especially people who have been afraid or against guns in their past. We have our own private pistol range where many a tin can has met its doom.

I have been married 31 years to my best friend. We have three daughters, the youngest who is about to be married. The other two are married and we have four grandchildren with two more due very shortly.

Re: LittleBill

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:53 pm
by LatakiaLover
You forgot to mention that you are not, in fact, little. :lol: