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Chicago wish lists: a review

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 11:33 am
by Tyler
So, we wrote what we wanted to accomplish in Chicago. How'd you do?

Personally, I did great! I couldn't been happier.

I came home with:

1 - Eltang smooth dublin horn (his logo shape),

1 - Brown 2/4 bag from Neil,

and a trade is in the works for a blasted STOA from Todd!

I even had some cash left over. I couldn't have scripted it much better.

The Eltang was an amamzing find. It is a few years old (before he started grading) and it is gorgeous! I hemmed and hawed over buying it, but finally, at the urging of many friends, pulled the trigger. (It helped that I was also buying it from a friend. It was nice to help his show out with a decent sale.) I had previous only purchased three pipes in my entire life, two basket pipes and an estate Heeschen that I got for a song. This pipe was going to cost about four times all of those together!

After buying it, I took it downstairs to sit with friends and talk. I passed it around to be admired, and everyone politely oOOo'ed and ahh'd over it. I was going to save the first smoke (it was an unsmoked pipe despite its being four years old) for a special occassion, perhaps an anniversary or a birthday. Well, the next thing I know Tom himself comes and joins our conversation and loads up a bowl. Given the opportunity to smoke the pipe for the first time with Mr. Eltang himself, I decided THIS was the special occassion I was looking for. To make it even better, I asked Tom if I could have some of his tobacco. In his normal kind way, he said, "Of course." So I loaded up my Eltang with the tobacco right from Tom's pouch, and sat and smoked it with the maker. One fun result of that was that Tom looked the pipe over and commented on the quality of the wood. Since it was not graded I asked him what he tought it would be graded today. He said that there was no doubt about it, it would be a snail. Now maybe Tom was being kind and blowing smoke (ahem), but I liked it. So that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Now I have a bag from Neil, as I have always wanted, and an Eltang to put in it. Also, I have the pleasure of having a pipe on the way from Todd. So the fun of the show is not over! I have more to look forward to.

Add to all my treats getting to see and visit with everyone, and I'd say the show was perfect. I couldn't have enjoyed it more. It was bittersweet, being my last show, but it was a wonderful finish.

To all I saw and visited with, to all who have helped me through the years, to all that have encouraged me: thanks. From the bottom of my heart, thanks.


Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 1:37 pm
by bscofield
Well, let's see here.

I got my drill bit.
I got some briar.
I got some bamboo.

That only realistic thing (for me) that I did not get while there was a copy of Cachimbos. He ran out while giving them away to people who were in the book. I got to drool over John's tho. It was very nice!

I also made some great contacts.

So I guess I did pretty good!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 1:47 pm
by LexKY_Pipe
Anyone got any photos to upload?

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 1:51 pm
by bscofield
Yup... check out my Chicago 2005 gallery: