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Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 5:00 pm
by DocAitch
Tis is one that was in the previous batch but I cut the bite area to thin and opened the airway. This is the third stem on the pipe and it suffers from not having been cut as a unit with the stummel.Image

Re: Zulu

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 7:23 pm
by LatakiaLover
Not bad at all. Zulus aren't an easy shape, either.

The main thing that jars the eye is the shank / stem ratio being off a bit. A shorter shank & longer stem would look more balanced, I think.

Overall, the only thing about this pipe and your other recent ones that keeps them from the next level is the "holding lines" business. (In two dimensions, it's the difference between a single-line sketch drawn entirely freehand, and one that was made with a French curve. In three dimensions it's the same thing, just more difficult to get right because every viewing angle exposes something new.)

Holding lines is a brutally tough thing to nail. Not only must you SEE them when pipe making, but you must know which tool(s) to reach for & exactly how to use them to CREATE what you see. Then add hardness differences between materials and related difficulties, and the problem becomes still more complex.

In percentage terms, few pipemakers ever completely get there. Some simply can't for innate ability/talent reasons; others give up when they realize what a long road it is and settle for "close enough."

I think you are determined to give it your best shot, though, which I why I don't happytalk your gallery posts.

Where to go from here? Keep showing us your stuff, but with pics BEFORE final finishing---just darkened a bit with a sanding stain for visibility, and always including dead-on and top side views---and we'll tell you what we see, line-wise, while things are still easily adjusted. :D

Re: Zulu

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 10:11 pm
by DocAitch
Thank you.
Could some of the deviation from "the holding lines thing" be a result of the photography set up?
This is a box with a white cloth over it and 3 work lights clipped to the joists about 20" from the pipe.
I am new to this sort of photography and this seemed to work, but feel that the set up could be better.

Re: Zulu

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 4:50 pm
by pipedreamer
I can see that hanging from a warriors repose!!! I do agree with George, but what a pipe, you are the busy bee of pipes lately. May all your mistakes be non existent!! I do follow your work and I'm duly impressed!!!Back in the day I would have been stunned by that pipe. I would have bought it in a heartbeat and taken it into the fray after a job well done that would never matter! Remembering only that pipe!!! :thumbsup: