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F J Wyver

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 9:46 am
by FJWyver
Hello all,
Thanks for having me on the forum,
Here's my introduction, for what it's worth.

Real name: Fred

Age: 33

Location: Rochester, UK

Years a pipe smoker: 0 - I'm brand new to all this

How you got into pipe making: I actually have no idea how this happened.. a close friend of mine has smoked pipes for as long as I've known him, and I'm a sort of multidisciplinary maker (read: Jack-of-all-trades), and I suppose I just sort of stumbled into it by seeing some beautiful examples of hand-made pipes and wanting to be able to replicate the process. As soon as I started researching it, scouring youtube and reading through this forum, the richness of the processes and history of the forms really grabbed my attention. To date I've made two briar pipes, and a handful of scrappy tests in whatever wood I had knocking around before the briar was delivered.

Other interesting facts: I teach precious metalwork for a living, although that's likely to change in the near future. I've been making stuff all of my life, and I've still not really settled on one medium or practice. I admire people who can dedicate their lives to a single craft, and my attitude may change with age, but I suspect I will always be a dabbler and a generalist.

Re: F J Wyver

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 11:20 pm
by DocAitch
Welcome Fred,
Lots of info here and lots of people who will give generously of their knowledge and techniques.
They do tend to get a little testy if it is obvious that you haven’t done some searching for the answer you require.