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Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 1:43 pm
by kxg
Greetings all!

Real name: Kelly
Age: 65
Location: S.W. Kansas
Years a pipe smoker: 45+
How you got into pipe making: I'm more into light restoration right now. Who knows how that will progress?
Other interesting facts: Facts, interesting or not: I started smoking a pipe in college, the standard rite of passage. Smoked four pipes for some 15 years and then migrated to cigars as the fussiness of pipe smoking didn't fit my work and schedule at the time. Took back up the pipe in July of this year. Pulled out three of my old briar pipes from the garage, cleaned them up, ordered a can of SPC Potlatch, and away I went.
My pipe stash is now at 27, I think, and that includes several estate pipes picked up on ebay. Hating to pay someone else to restore an otherwise sound pipe, I decided to try and clean up a real beater. A Dr. Grabow Riviera that must have been someone's favorite pipe to smoke and pound on the ashtray. I learned a lot restoring that pipe and need to learn a lot more. So, here I am. You probably won't see me posting anytime soon as I plan to search out and soak up information before asking redundant questions. But, lurking I'll be.

Re: kxg

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 4:23 pm
by DocAitch
Welcome from Baltimore.