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2nd Pipe

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 11:28 pm
by BriarJoe
Hello Everyone!

This is my second pipe, and I think its made from Grecian Makis briar, though it may be strawberry briar. My first pipe I made a year ago, and needless to say, it was...well...possibly usable. Someone saw the pipe and wanted me to make one similar to it, so here is the result.

As I'm rather new, I don't know much about styles etc., and therefore I'm assuming this would be labeled as "freestyle." I've read repeatedly on here that its best to look at a well made pipe and try to imitate it, so if anyone could point out a site that displays good examples of various styles of pipes that would be quite welcome.

Also, I'm rather caught up on pipe anatomy terminology. I hear things such as "shaft" "stummel" "button" etc. and while I have a decent idea of what some of them mean others I mix up, or have no clue about. I suspect that there are several names for each of the parts as well.

Anyway, to get to the point, here are the pics of the pipe. Several things I know are screwy for sure - especially the airhole and bowl junction. The airhole leans too far to the right, the crookedness of which is further emphasized by the stem. The curve between the bowl and the stummel? also needs to be rounder. Something also seems off with the backside of the bowl, but I'm not sure what.

I finished it with several coats of VF's "dark brown" stain, shellac to seal, and a bit of buffing.

Let me know what to work on!
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Re: 2nd Pipe

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 11:30 pm
by BriarJoe
Further pics:
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Re: 2nd Pipe

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 3:44 am
by Odissey
Visually there is a feeling that the bowl is slightly more than necessary tilted back. It would be better if it was perpendicular to the shank. There is less “meat” left on the cheeks of the bowl than necessary. At least another 1.5 - 2 mm on each side is needed.
The joint of the shank and the bowl at the upper point, you need to do with a smaller radius. Now he is very smeared. The finish for the second tube is pretty good. The pipe looks pretty symmetrical.
Do not lick the upper edge of the bowl, it should be sharper.
Keep working. You are doing well.

Smoking Pipe Sites

Just a Google image search for the words "smoking pipes, freehand smoking pipes, briar smoking pipe "

Re: 2nd Pipe

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 8:03 pm
by DocAitch
Your general shape is pleasing and the finish looks good.
I agree with Odissey that the transition between shank and bowl is too soft.
The stem is a bit long for that stummel and too “massy”. It could stand to lose weight in all dimensions.
I generally aim for a stem about as long as the stummel.
It appears to me that this may be a pre made stem- which is fine for when you start out, and if you were stuck with that length, so be it.
I personally don’t like the “busy-ness” of this style of stem- simpler and more elegant would be my choice.

Re: 2nd Pipe

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 9:55 pm
by n80
Agree with all of the above. It appears that the draft hole is off center. This could affect air flow.

But, from one beginner to another that is a heck of a second pipe. Good work and keep it up.

Re: 2nd Pipe

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 11:40 am
by BriarJoe
Thanks for the help guys! I'll see what I can do with my next pipe.