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My Apologies To All On The Forum

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 3:30 pm
by shikano53
I made a bad decision yesterday concerning leaving the forum. I wish to apologize to all for that.
My wife, who is the soul of and reason, and level headed thinking can usually explain to me the foolishness of a particular reason or action, and talk me out of doing something foolish. After 48 years of marriage she knows me better than I know me and that is why I trust her as I do.
She wasn't home yesterday to bounce how I was feeling off of her, so I went ahead and made a fool of myself in my stupid hurt pride because no one had responded to my post, (ouch that admission hurt) which really is a foolish thing to have hurt feelings over.
I'm a worrier, and wear my heart on my sleeve. My wife knows all of this of course and can usually forestall dumb action on my part or calm me down enough to make me see that I really have no reason to be mad, hurt or anything else.
Anyway, again my apologies to all.
Like I said, I'm 67 and I'm still trying hard to change the way I am. (Another ouch)
People say you can't teach an old dog new tricks but I'm sure hopeful.

Re: My Apologies To All On The Forum

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 4:20 pm
by DocAitch
Good for you.
Now go make some more pipes

Re: My Apologies To All On The Forum

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 12:41 am
by Ocelot55
It takes character to admit when you've made a mistake, a lesson I should reacquaint myself with. You have my respect.

Re: My Apologies To All On The Forum

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 2:28 pm
by Adui
If its any consolation Chris, I nearly made the same decision a while back. I just didn't post it here. This forum is not very active, and many times a post we believe should get attention doesn't. No one means anything by it, its just the few who read your post don't feel they have anything constructive to say.