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New kid on the briar block

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 1:20 pm
by The Briar Bothy
Real name: Mark

Age: 37, supposedly :P

Location: New Orleans, Louisiana (actually Kenner, but it's a suburb, so let's just say NOLA)

Years a pipe smoker: Maybe 6? Hard to say when I bought my first pipe, it was years before I really got into it, but 2015 was the year I joined up with the NOLA Pipe Club. Been smoking cigars on and off since around 2008.

How you got into pipe making: Haven't made a pipe yet, but I'm aiming to learn. I have no reservations about the fact that I have zero experience so it's all a learning process for me.

Other interesting facts: I mean, not much to note I guess. Father and husband. Wife and I have 2 children. One is 16 months, one is 8 years old. Currently a homemaker because of COVID-related reasons. Daycare closed suddenly. Figured we'd give it a try for a bit. My take-home wasn't big, so not a huge dent in finances with the offsets from daycare and summer camps not being attended. I game a bunch. One Xbox currently, and have been playing World of Warcraft since 04 release. Relatively active in the YTPC and Country Squire Radio communities. Beyond that, not much to say! Looking forward to interacting with everyone!

Re: New kid on the briar block

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 5:03 pm
by Sasquatch
Welcome aboard, you'd not be the first home-maker-come-pipe-maker around here, it's an activity that fits reasonably well into other things (like making dinner).