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Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 6:48 pm
by ZehelSitchel
Real name: Pierce
Age: 30
Location: DFW Texas
Years a pipe smoker: <1
How you got into pipe making: Over the past few years I've been trying to find hobbies that don't involve me sitting at a computer. I do that enough for work. I enjoy cigars but most of them take a significant time commitment and Texas isn't the kind of place that I can go outside for an hour or two to relax and enjoy them. It's just to hot most of the time. Thinking that pipes would take less time to smoke, I bought my first one at the Renaissance festival. It wasn't a great pipe but it was a starting place. As I learned to smoke it (still working on that) I began thinking about buying another pipe but higher quality. So, while on vacation, I went to my favorite tobacco shop and inquired about pipes there. The shop owner lit up and took my through the history of pipes, why they are made of briar burls, the different popular and respected brand, then showed me some of the ones he made. I ended up purchasing one of his and a cob. But that got me thinking. Making pipes is something I could do, and I've been looking for a hobby that allowed me to craft. Since then (July 2021) I've been trying to find everything I can about pipes and how they are crafted.
Other interesting facts: Network/Computer Technician, Gamer. Someday I'd like to build a DeLorean from the ground up. (I'm not all that interesting...)

Re: ZehelSitchel

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 10:38 pm
by UnderShade
Let me be the first to welcome you to the forum, Pierce! This site is the worlds best place for learning the right way to craft a functional work of art-
IF you do 4 things:

1. Be courteous
Should be self-explanatory- nobody likes a douchebag.

2. Read through this site
You will have a jillion questions. Most have already been asked and answered.

3. Take the advice/criticism/ball busting
As you start to learn, you will make pipes that you think are the best pipe ever. Your friends will tell you they are the best pipe ever. Your Mom might even bake you a cake shaped like a pipe... Then an experienced artisan will point out everything wrong with it. It can feel pretty shitty- but take heart!
You'll begin to understand the standards of classic shapes and the nuances that make them classics.

4. Learn from your mistakes, be patient and... MAKE MORE PIPES!

Also, the pipe makers forum FB page is generally more active than the site. That's not to say no one will answer your questions or give you a critique here; it can sometimes take a while and some folks get butthurt when you don't drop everything to help them out :help:

Again, welcome to the forum!!

Some douchebag pipemaker

Re: ZehelSitchel

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 1:36 am
by LatakiaLover

Re: ZehelSitchel

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2021 1:10 pm
by brownleafbeardsman
Nice to have you here, Pierce.
I'm in Texas as well, and I am also a computer tech for an internet company, and got into making pipes for pretty much the same reason. :D
Welcome, friend. I hope to see some pipes that you craft!
This is the best place for it. :D