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Ebonite sheave

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 1:46 pm
by sethile
I have some short pieces of ebonite and cumberland I apparently picked up as samples. I accidently grabbed a chunk of the black thinking it was NYH and tried to make a stem. The peelings off of the lathe looked instantly strange, super extra black, and it seamed soft. Thought hmm... this must be something different. Tried keeping with it until I polished the face, and it turned my rouge black! Took it out of the chuck and saw some pencil marks (AAP Chicago). Steve Norse suggested it might be American Arts Plastic. I bought some celluloid ivory from them and they must have given me this stuff to try...

Fast forward to discovering I could not order new sheaves for the Genoa traveler cars on my sailboat. Thought no problem, I'll make some. Ideally these should be Delrin but I didn't have any stock thick enough and decided to give the chunk of AAP "cumberland" a try. Other than gunking up my rouge again I think it's going to work, at least for a while... worried it might rub off color on my genoa sheets (control lines), but so far so good! Here's the one on the port side...


Re: Ebonite sheave

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 2:20 pm
by brownleafbeardsman
That's awesome, Scott. It looks great! :D