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can you teach me a method to adorn a pipe stem with a metal pipe ring?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 9:27 am
by Artemisius
I don't have a lot of equipment. Just a chuck attached to a drill, and a lot of hand tools. Do you have any suggestions on how to make a metal pipe ring with this poor equipment... :)
Sorry for my bad english and thanks to all the people that will contribute to answer.

PS. i still don't have a lathe :banghead:

Re: can you teach me a method to adorn a pipe stem with a metal pipe ring?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 9:28 am
by Artemisius
with metal pipe ring i mean what we italians call "veretta", you can write it on google images if it is not clear in english. again, sorry for my english

Re: can you teach me a method to adorn a pipe stem with a metal pipe ring?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 1:33 pm
by DocAitch
There are two ways that a metal band or ring goes on a shank.
1) the band fits over the shank and is proud of the shank and stem. A lot of pipe repairs are done this way. It requires that you have a stock of different sized bands so that you can select one of proper size.
2) the second way is to relieve the shank so that the band is flush with the surface of the shank and stem. I only know how to do this with a lathe. I suppose that you can reduce the shank with a file, but that would require some careful hand work.
This was done with a home made pin gauge
Finished. The polished silver has stained the wood. I later learned to mask the shank.

Re: can you teach me a method to adorn a pipe stem with a metal pipe ring?

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 1:05 pm
by Artemisius
THANK YOU DOC AITCH! i'm sorry for my late answer but i didn't see that you had answered me. Thanks a lot, really helpful!