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Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 4:51 pm
by Mechanibal
Real name: Ryan Knol
Age: 46
Location: Oklahoma City
Years a pipe smoker: 16 years
How you got into pipe making: I have always been the kind of person that I’d I wanted something I’d rather make it than buy it. Most things are hard to do without proper tools to start but if it will be a wash I’ll just buy the tools. I was looking at some pipes at local B&M and saw a pipe kit they had. I thought it would be more fun to spend the same amount of money to buy the kit and some tools and make my own. Bought it and went straight to Home Depot and bought a rotary tool and made a pipe. Wasn’t super beautiful but it was mine. Bought another kit and it turned out really nice. I told myself I was done but within a couple months I had a lather and sanding wheel setup. Now I spend my Free time in the garage trying new techniques and loving every bit of it. I had a web page to start selling pipes locally but got shut down because It was “paraphernalia”. I have a new one with some old pipes on it and working on my photography skillls so I can have some presentable pics of pipes. I am looking forward to learning from you all and want to continue to get better at this.

Other interesting facts: I love playing disc golf, riding my motorcycle and playing music.

Re: Mechanibal

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 11:09 pm
by wdteipen
Welcome to PMF. It's not very active these days like it used to be but its a treasure trove of good pipemaking info in the archives. If it is relevant to making pipes, it's probably been already discussed ad nauseum on this forum. The gallery is still somewhat active at times so feel free to post what you make and a few folks will trickle in from time to time and hopefully give you feedback (sometimes brutally honest so set aside your ego and prepare yourself and trust me it's what you need to get good) if that's what you're looking for.