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blasting equipment

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:26 pm
by KurtHuhn
I may have just scored some blasting equipment from my bother-in-law. Cleaning out his mother's place, he found some glass etching/blasting equipment that he's going to pass on to me. I have no idea what it looks like, all I know is that it's old, and that he has claimed the compressor - which is fine, I can get one of those any time.

I do not know if it includes a cabinet, media, or what. But for free, I won't complain at all. I could do a lot worse for free....

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 11:24 pm
by Nick
Heck yea!

Too neat Kurt! Can't wait to see the results.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 1:50 am
by KurtHuhn
Me too! ;-)

I'm eyeing some compressors now - just have to wait to see if the equipment has a CFM or PSI requirement before I go and scrounge one.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 4:45 pm
by KurtHuhn
Thanks, Random. I'll keep all that in mind when I go to actually buy the compressor. I hope I can afford the compressor to power my free blasting equipment. ;)

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 7:49 pm
by Tyler
My only experience blasting was on a VERy large compressor, so I can only speak about minimums from what other people have told me.

Michael Lindner recommended to me that you need a minimum of 5 CFM at 120 psi. I persoanlly plan to go higher than this.

Trever, any thing you'd be willing to share about compressors?



Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 8:43 am
by TreverT
Tyler wrote:
Trever, any thing you'd be willing to share about compressors?


I think we're about to hit the $4,000 bill on our gear, if things work out for us to add in the vac system that I want. That's probably the most crucial information :) For compressors, find a good dual-stage 5+ HP 80 gallon unit, which will probably cost you between $800 and $1600 depending on brand and quality. Smaller compressors are crap for blasting. Get the best oil & moisture filter you can afford, too.