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HOOK to convert a(high end)CIGAR smoker

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:48 pm
by toadlyunique
Filling a comission from my sister-in-law to make a suprise christmas pipe for her soon to be son-in-law.and would like to foreward my own personal gift of pipe tobacco.Soooo im looking for input from those of you who were formely cigar smokers, and could suggest an appropiate tobacco.
Hes a school teacher and very avid outdoorsman, if that helps.

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 5:43 pm
by Heinz_D
Have a look at and/or They've a lot of bulk tobaccos and for cigar smoker I would suggest the "Annyversary Cake" from Russ Oullette (Hearth & Home Series, bulk tobaccos).

Unfortuanatly it's rather expensive to order tobacco from outside EU for me, because ther is a lot of tax, but for this tobacco I'll ever be willing to pay a little bit more... (it's more than the double price for me plus shipping!).

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 2:29 pm
by ckr
Possibly one of these

McConnells- Caribe Cigar Leaf
Cigar leaf from the Caribbean to enhance any blend. ... ProdID=178

McClelland- Cigar Blends
50 and 100 gram tins

Detailed Description
Dominican Glory: The flavor of a fine, mild cigar in a satisfying tobacco for the pipe. This blend of aged premium Dominican cigar leaf is seasoned with Matured Virginia for balance and refinement and is presented in a wide ribbon form for cool smoking pleasure. For the best of both worlds, enjoy dominican Glory in the pipe.

Dominican Glory Maduro- A balanced blend of rich, dark maduro cigar leaf and matured red and stoved Virginia tobaccos. The perfect pipe tobacco for the connoisseur of maduro cigars who enjoys pipes. Pressed in cakes and aged to develop character and marry flavors, then cut in flakes to be rubbed out to the smoker's personal preferance. ... ProdID=489

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 8:40 pm
by obie
McClelland Dominican Glory Maduro hooked a cigar smoker I know. He completely LOVES the stuff. And he barely bothers with cigars anymore.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:41 pm
by mahaffy
Maduro hooked a pipe smoker as well. Very nice change-up tobacco.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 1:54 pm
by flix
I would agree with Obie, the Maduro version is the better one. You might also try this one:

it's half way down, called "Cuba Style - Cigar Blend". Sounds intrigueing!

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:58 pm
by Tyler
I'd suggest not trying to mimic a cigar in flavor. Go the other direction and show how a pipe is different. If I want something to taste like a cigar, I get a cigar. Personally, I like cigars but dislike pipe blends with cigar leaf.

I'd suggest a nice VaPer (Haddo's is my fav.), and nice latakia (Penzance is my fav.), and a nice aromatic (or maybe a near-aromatic like Barbary Coast). One big way a pipe beats a cigar is variety. Lean into that. I'd sell it as a change of pace, not a replacement.


Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:35 am
by bvartist
I'm with Tyler on this one. I'd go away from the blends with cigar leaf. That would only reinforce his cigar passions. I'd go with good latakia and good oriental blends that will have tons of flavor, but totally different from the cigars. Someone else will have to provide suitable high end brands, since I smoke the cheap stuff!


Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:45 am
by obie
Fine! :)

In that case, I second Barbary Coast. Most latakia blends are disgusting to a new pipe smoker, even if he has a past in cigars. Another nice one is Sam Gawith's 1792 flake.

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:13 pm
by Smitty
I'm thinking about Cup-oJoes Dunhill Vanilla mixture. :P
Light and flavorfull.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:03 am
by Nick
Well, you could go with all four ideas? In bulk at least, getting an ounce of each wouldn't be too expensive.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:01 pm
by smokingpat
G.L. Pease makes robusto. One of the best cigar leaf blends i have had to date. The other that comes to mind is Purple Cow from C&D. Both are full and rich but the cigar leaf in both adds to the richness of the blends but does not take over.

When I made the switch (which i never really did i just have 2 hobbies) from cigars too pipes i tryed lots of blends and i came to the heavy hitting stuff about a month or so in. Old Iron sides to this day is a blend in my rotation. Pease's Caravan is a great middle of the road Balkan.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:28 pm
by Ethernut
I used to smoke Cubans exclusively and have gone through thousands of dollars in Cubans.. I considered myself an elitist. Since I picked up the pipe, I haven't picked up one stick.

Now on to tobacco..

There is no Latakia type flavors in high end main stream cigars.. so stay away from that if you're trying to compare.

The pipe tobacco that, when I smoked it, I called it "the best cigar I ever smoked" was Full Virginia Flake. Mild-Medium Strength, Full Smoke on the palate. Just the way I like it.

I'm kinda into burleys and light aromatics right now. At the moment, my favorite tobac is Boswells Premium Burley. ...and it is _nothing_ like any cigar I ever smoked, there just isn't a parallel there at all.

hope this helps..


Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 9:25 pm
by JHowell
I agree, there's not much point in trying to make a pipe taste like a cigar, but there are blends using at least a touch of cigar leaf that stand on their own merits, like McC Dominican Glory Maduro and H&H Virginia Spice. Other tobaccos, despite having no cigar leaf, compare very favorably with a cigar in flavor and strength. G&H Kendal Kentucky and Dark Birdseye come to mind, and ropes like Brown Bogey and Sweet Rum Twist. Belgian Semois is very cigary, and delicious, though it seems to be a love-it-or-hate-it type of tobacco and it can be hard to obtain so it's probably not worth considering.