My visit at Rainer Barbi's shop

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My visit at Rainer Barbi's shop

Post by Heinz_D »

After some contacts to Rainer and his invitation I finally had last week the chance to visit him in his shop for some training in pipemaking!

We arranged my arrival for Monday morning and as I found the shop Rainer came out and I was cordially received.


I had some things in my bag I wanted to ask Rainer for advice - and if possible some action. So I opened my box... Even though Rainer had a lot of work after the Chicago's Pipeshow, he took up a lot of time and we discussed some work, which we wanted to do during the three days of my visit.

After that we went straight into the shop, where Rainer explained me his equipment.

First of all a view into the stock:


Wow, that's a lot of wood for some pretty pipes...

Then I could take a look at the different working technics and was allowed to try some things by myself. Andreas Harm from Esterval's Pipe House ( especially came to take the pics!

Rainer explained me the story from a plateau block to a pipe and after I'd a look I was allowed to try it by myself.

At first one of my blocks was used. Rainer explained me how to choose a good block and what's important to decide the right shape. Then the rough shape was cut with the band saw.


With the sanding disc (24 grid !) the rough was build.


When the shape was ready so far, the drillings were made - completely freehand! That part, of course, was done by Rainer. Unbelieveable, what precision in shortest time!

After that Rainer made a stem out of an ebonit rod and a peace of horn at the lathe.


In between I had some praxis at the belt grinder. Rainer does the hole grinding of the pipe, the stem too, with the belt grinder and explained me the different and difficult handle of his selfmade machine.


While I tried to get a pipe smooth, Rainer worked at a small Billiard, which I'd brought along and this one had to be refinished...


...and polished.


Pics of this pipe could be seen at the bottom.

In between Rainer - and a very little bit myself - finished the rough pipe, a nice Facette.


Unfortuanatly we had not enough time to finish that completely, but so I've some work in my own shop to learn even more about pipemaking...

From another block, which I'd already prepared at home, Rainer made a second rough with a special shape for me.


But then my time was at the end. It hurried up rather fast and I'm still buisy to get all the impressions into my head. At last I want to show a pic of the "team" and want to thank Rainer very much for all the things he showed me.


Following I want to show what happened to two of the pipes.

The Billiard:

Legth: 130 mm (stem 55 mm)
Hight: 38 mm
Width: 28 mm
Tobacco chamber: 19 x 33 mm
Weight: 20,3 g (!)
Stem: Ebonit, without filter

First a pic of the older version:


And now the "new" pipe:







And that's the second, finished pipe:






Best regards,

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Post by bvartist »

What a great opportunity Heinz! Working with a master like Barbi would be something special. The finished pipes are really nice.

Of course, we expect to see nothing but Barbi-esque masterpieces from you in the future. :wink:

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Post by magruder »


Congratulations on spend time with the maestro, Herr Barbi.
I often daydream about doing just what you did.
The photos are really great to see. I especially like the before and after of the billiard.
It really illustrates the way Rainer can make a classic shape his own.
Many thanks for a very interesting post.
Good luck, I know you got a real boost from your visit.

Steven Magruder Morrisette

Post by pierredekat »

Awesome. Thanks for sharing!
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Post by ScoJo »

Really cool! I also liked seeing the before and after shots of the billiard. It's interesting to see how subtle changes make the pipe appear more graceful and "Barbi-esque". What a nice opportunity.

This makes me even more anxious to schedule my trip to Midland, TX...
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Post by Leus »

Beautiful! You are a very lucky man.
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Post by Nick »

Too cool buddy! The before and after pics are awesome.
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