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"User Info" state flags

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 6:22 pm
by Tyler
The new "User Info" box in the left margin has an IP location finder built in that determines the country of origin of all the IP's that are currently logged into the system. A really cool feature in my opinion. At any rate, some folks were curious as to how I got the Texas flag next to my name.

Here's how to show your state flag (if you are in the US, obviously):

Go to your Profile, and for your location enter:

United States/your state

For example, for a Texas flag, I have my location listed as:

United States/Texas

Now everyone can display their state flag!



Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 7:07 pm
by jeff

I entered that just so I could see what a NJ flag looked like.
