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GLP Tribute

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 11:16 pm
by marks
I just finished my first tin of GLP Tribute, and my oh my, what a great blend. I opened it to break in a new pipe I had made, and what a great experience. Other than my pipe, I smoked this in a John Eells, a Paul Tatum, and four different Ashtons. Tribute smoked well in all these pipes, even with the different bowl diameters and heights (the bowls ranged from a small Ashton X to a tall stack). I did notice that it smoked best in all the pipes if I used a light hand in the packing. The flavors really shined this way.

Has anyone else tried this blend, and if so, what did you think? I really like Mr. Pease's non-latakia blends. Tribute and Cumberland are my two favorites that I have tried so far.

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 10:06 am
by Tyler
I have smoked one tin of Tribute, which I opened a few months ago. (It was from the original tinning.) I really enjoyed it. It could bite, if I was not careful, so I think that a few more years in the tin will do my last tin a lot of good. I look forward to cracking it in the future...hmm, maybe the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 would be appropriate. I'll smoke a bowl in honor of my best friend from elementary school, Jason Oswald, who lost his life in one of the twin towers.
