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sanding the button

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 10:11 pm
by android
any tips for sanding that last 1/16 of an inch or so right up against the button? i just couldn't seem to get up right against it without sanding perpendicular to the stem which left odd marks. i saw in the photo essay that nail files were used, anyone use that with success for final sanding?


Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 11:59 pm
by sethile
I use something called "Professional Salon boards" that are essentially upper end nail files. The ones I'm using are made by Salon Plus, and I bought them at Rite Aid. They come in grits from around 150 up to around 360. I work my way up through them around the bit areas in combination with sanding the rest of the stem. I start each grit perpendicular to the stem, right up against the button, then lengthwise butting up to the button.

Scraping with a very sharp knife can also eliminate the heavy marks left by your initial shaping and reduce the amount of sanding you'll need to do.

I've seen an interesting little sanding device from Micro Mark that I've often thought would speed up the process:

Here's the URL: Link

They also make a corded version of it. Any one tried one of these or something like it for stem work?

Micro Mark also has some small sanding wands that might make a good alternative to the Salon Boards.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:18 pm
by hazmat
Another place to get stem sanders(nail files/emory boards) is at a beauty supply store. They have literally hundreds of different kinds and they list the grits so you know what you're buying. I tried my local rite-aid but they didn't have anything but the old plain-jane emory boards. The ones from the beauty supply stores are great for this work. Buy handfulls of them, they're handy as can be.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 8:28 pm
by KurtHuhn
Yep, if there's a Sally Beauty Supply near you, head in and check it out. They have loads of the "pro" nail files in grits from 180 on up to 600.