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Hurrah for Kurt!

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:22 pm
by alan
Hey Kurt,

So I decided to get the pimo turning tool since I don't have the space or the funds for a lathe. I've been chewing my nails off waiting for the thing, and driving my wife crazy as I paced on my balcony waiting to ambush the mailman.

I was prowling the stem forum in eager anticipation and found an old post, way back on page six, where you wrote some advice on using the thing:

"The trick with it is to make sure you're pulling up on the adjustment hex-key as you're turning it in and out. That way, the arm isn't flopping all about, and you're not getting wild deviations in actual cutting diameter with the same number of turns from zero.

To adjust the arm:
- insert the adjustment key and lock key into their set screws. Don't turn either one yet!
- push in lightly on the adjusting key, and pull up slightly.
- loosen the lock key by a quarter or half turn
- while maintaining an up-and-in pressure on the adjusting key, turn it in increments of half an hour (as in a clock)
- tighten the lock key while you've still got pressure on the adjusting key
- pull the adjusting key straight out, take care not to turn it or press down on it
- trim your stem, and repeat as necessary"

Anyway, your instructions were so much more helpful than what the very nice pimo folks sent along with the thing. I shredded two stems figuring it out, but I'm sure the casualties would have been much worse if not for that old post. I just wanted to give a shout of thanks.

Adjusting Pimo Stem Turner

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:23 pm
by flix
Thanks for bringing this up front. I may find it useful...
