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Final stain color

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:12 am
by Senna1
Hello all,

This is my first post here, and first foray into pipe finishing, and (shockingly :wink: ) it's not quite going to plan..

I started with a Savinelli natural from my shop's basket, and decided to try my hand at a basic finish just for kicks. I read about alcohol-based analine dyes, and picked up some Fiebing's leather dye in Cordovan, intending to get a nice deep red-brown color in the end. The color of the liquid stain seemed perfect as I was applying it, but once it dried the red tone disappears almost entirely, and I'm left with a dull and unpleasing plain brown.

If I re-wet (with alcohol) the stained pipe, the red jumps back out.

So, if I go ahead and burnish (with 0000 steel wool) and wax the pipe, what final color am I going to wind up with? Will the wax draw out and hold the "wet" stain color, or am I just going to get a shiny version of the dull brown?

It seems I may have launched into this endeavor a little under-equiped, as I don't have a buffer w/ tripoli pads and all that, so I'm limited to hand-finishing methods for the time being.

Any suggestions for drawing out the original red color, or should I just take the brute-force approach and sand it back, then overstain with a layer of red dye to get the color I'm going for?

Thanks for any help...

Re: Final stain color

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:43 am
by SimeonTurner
The dull brown I believe is called "patina" (smarter people correct me if I'm wrong), and it will go away in the buffing process and leave the actual stain color coming through. It will be hard to get a nice even shine without buffing tools though.

Re: Final stain color

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:54 pm
by Sasquatch
That cordovan can be worked to be anything from this color here:



to this


it all depends on when you apply, how you buff, and whether you apply again after you buff, etc.....

But yes, the color will jump out when you finish the pipe shiny.