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Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:13 pm
by themathclub
howdy, im new to the forum, and just wanted to say hello. i have made 2 pipes thus far, and im working on a 3rd. my first was sort of a bent style. i'll have to get a picture as i have yet to try and classify the shape. my second was a strange pipe for a friend. its a non traditional shape with a fat bowl, and a curved stem, and the bowl has a carved ear, and the tobacco chamber is in the ear hole. dont ask, lol. the 3rd im woking on is another sort of unique design thats a crecent moon style shape, but im still working it. typically, because of cost i work with local woods, and both my pipes have smoked well, much to my surprise, lol. up untill last night i did ALL my work with a battery powered dremel, and i borrowed a drill to start the bowls, but still had to grind out the size... anywho. i'll post pics when i get a few, but im glad to be on the forums and hope to learn much :D

Re: hello!

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:07 pm
by Tyler

Re: hello!

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:43 pm
by Nate
Welcome mathclub!!

Re: hello!

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:20 am
by themathclub
thank you for the welcome. im glad to be in the presence of so many talented craftsmen and women, as well as the many aspiring pipe makers out there, like myself. i look forward to learning all that i can from the many, many years of collected knowledge on this forum. i also want to thank all the hardcore pipe makers who take the time to teach those of lesser years and/or skill. having been a teacher of sorts in my previous profession, i know that the level of patience you must posses is legendary, to keep up with all the questions you must receive. :D

i need to stop being lazy and finish up pipe 3 lol

Re: hello!

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:13 am
by SWM
themathclub wrote: im glad to be in the presence of so many talented craftsmen and women, ...
Hi mathclub,


@all: Where are the women?!? I suspect you're hiding them from me - but mathclub figured them out! :x



Re: hello!

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:06 pm
by themathclub
im sure there are some one here :roll: i have seen some lady pipe makers online, though they do well in cloaking themselvs... :lol: