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Second this year

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:47 am
by mathias65
Once upon a time, a while back, Abi posted a link in someone else's post. The link was to a page full of Le Nuvole Christmas pipes. ... &cPath=1_6 They were the inspiration for this pipe. Maybe someone can answer a silly question from a rank amature .. what makes a pipe a Christmas pipe? Is that an actual shape? or Merely pipes created for Christmas? Anyways, here is the pics, I hope I did it some justice at least. As always, comments are welcome and encouraged. Tear'm up.







Re: Second this year

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:47 am
by Abi Natur
Hi Mathias,
Yes i remember vividly posting this link in connection to a pipe charl posted .
You really captured the essence of the shape you were inspired by,it is good by my point of view but not finished yet.I would just sand it down some more on the stem-shank transverse ,define it more by narrowing it down the whole way to the bit, than the whole pipe and bowl would seem more underlined in the overall appearance.
Just give it some more definition and you will have a wonderful pipe.

Christmas pipe is just another word for the good old 'selling' business,there are sure some pipes with a real Christmas spirit' but that is carved by hand with a lot of positive attitudes.


Re: Second this year

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:21 am
by Jos
Hi Matthias,

as Abi said, You've captured the essence of the shape, and it's a nice try so far - congrats.
Here comes the productive critizism:
Your shank & stem need to be more tapered, and less thick. Good news is, You have way enough material to sand some down. This will give room for another try for a better staining, too ...
Carry on !

Regards, Jens

Re: Second this year

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:59 am
by bandkbrooks
Very nice. I like the color too. Too me (amateur) the shank at the bowl / shank junction looks to big.

Christmas pipe = marketing marketing marketing.

But it's available on on SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY at rock bottom prices.

Re: Second this year

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:26 am
by maxmil
I think you should care but the alignment of the walls of the mouthpiece with the cane.
In the timber area shows the birth of a branch.

Opino que deberás de cuidar mas la alineación de las paredes de la boquilla con las de la caña.
En la madera se aprecia la zona de nacimiento de una rama.

Re: Second this year

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:59 pm
by mathias65
Thanks much all for the feedback. Much appreciated!