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Archiving your notes via smartpen

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:21 pm
by TreverT
I realize I am one of the more anal retentive about stuff like this, but I've found over 14 years of repeating myself and/or going crazy trying to remember how I produced one specific effect I did on a pipe four years ago (and haven't done since), that it's incredibly handy to keep some sort of permanent chapterized record of what you do, what works, what doesn't, who to sell to and who not to sell to, where you bought this or that supply, etc. In keeping with this, I've just written a blog review of the smartpen that my wife got me for Christmas, which has quickly become one of my most useful workshop tools that is not in any way a workshop tool - I sit out there and scribble process notes all day and talk to it and it records my notes and synched vocal reminders and transfers them to the computer for easy collection into my pipemaking grimoire. It's a freaking handy thing. Also, I needed a blog post subject and didn't have any other ideas, so it was either a product review or a Top Ten list. Voila: ... rtpen.html

Re: Archiving your notes via smartpen

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:05 pm
by potholer
Thats a doozie
brings out the geek in me
and the cave surveyor in me says i wish that this had been available years ago

and the habitual scribbler says nice review

regards dave

Re: Archiving your notes via smartpen

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:35 pm
by SimeonTurner
I feel like embarking on a secret quest to capture your pipe making grimoire. Its arcane secrets would be worth combating hundreds of...dare I say...goblins. :wink:

Re: Archiving your notes via smartpen

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 6:16 pm
by TreverT
SimeonTurner wrote:I feel like embarking on a secret quest to capture your pipe making grimoire. Its arcane secrets would be worth combating hundreds of...dare I say...goblins. :wink:

It is exceedingly encrypted and password-locked. When I die, it goes with me. :twisted:

(Actually no, seriously, I'm sure I'll probably pass the whole kit & kaboodle along to someone assuming pipes are still being made and bought then. It's just another odd thing to think about, like who I will eventually sell Ligne Bretagne to, because I won't be able to use all that stock in my lifetime.)

Re: Archiving your notes via smartpen

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 6:19 pm
by TreverT
potholer wrote:Thats a doozie
brings out the geek in me
and the cave surveyor in me says i wish that this had been available years ago

I look at it and really wish I'd had it at my old, "real" job, because there were so many times on construction sites where owners and contractors would get into these, "He said/He said" snit fits that it would have been incredibly nice to be able to pull out the scrawled wiring diagram that we'd talked about and actually tap parts of it with the pen and have it play back exactly what everyone said at the time we were drawing this out.

Re: Archiving your notes via smartpen

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:28 am
by potholer
the same applies to my old job as a stone cutter
easier to email a sketch

an electronic grimoire - to open safely dance three times widdershins round the computer chanting the pass spell :lol:

Re: Archiving your notes via smartpen

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:26 am
by Alan L
:jawdrop: .... :shock: .... That is quite possibly one of the coolest things I've ever seen. :notworthy: It wouldn't help me much, since I rarely keep notes or sketches, but by all that pretends to be holy the concept is so freaking amazingly futuristicool that I'm just gobsmacked such a thing truly exists.

Re: Archiving your notes via smartpen

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:35 am
by TreverT
I completely left out the fact that it has apps you can download and install in it. It has a piano app with which you can draw a piano keyboard on a piece of paper, and the pen reads your key placement and when you tap the keys on the drawing, the proper piano note will sound from the pen speaker. It has a music writing app similar, where you can write your own music notes in your notebook and then tap them and have them played back as written from 122 midi instruments. It's a freaky thing.

Re: Archiving your notes via smartpen

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:56 am
by geigerpipes
TreverT wrote:I completely left out the fact that it has apps you can download and install in it. It has a piano app with which you can draw a piano keyboard on a piece of paper, and the pen reads your key placement and when you tap the keys on the drawing, the proper piano note will sound from the pen speaker. It has a music writing app similar, where you can write your own music notes in your notebook and then tap them and have them played back as written from 122 midi instruments. It's a freaky thing.
Stick to what you know Trever :D

Re: Archiving your notes via smartpen

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:00 pm
by TreverT
geigerpipes wrote:
Stick to what you know Trever :D

If I did that I'd just sit home and watch Godzilla movies all day.