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Banged up Pot

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:06 am
by scotties22
Here is the Pot that was supposed to be a billiard. I had a very, very tragic buffer accident where everyone was hurt...shank, stem and me. I had (and I mean had) to band the shank after I glued a chunk back on so it would fit and I had to put another stem on. My injuries are less exciting, some emotional scars and a broken nail....good thing I don't get my nails did.

It rained here all weekend, so the pictures are a little dark. I gotta retake them this afternoon.

Critiques welcome.






Thanks for looking.


Re: Banged up Pot

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:45 am
by Ocelot55
Very nice work Scottie! The only thing I can see is that it might have slightly too much forward cant.

(Pssst! Oh, and make sure you sand out that tobacco chamber before Wayne sees!) :mrgreen:

Re: Banged up Pot

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:17 am
by baweaverpipes
The cant looks fine to me.
I've never been a fan of saddle stems pinched from the sides.

Re: Banged up Pot

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:50 am
by jogilli
Overall I think you pulled it out really nice... the cant looks fine to me also.. the mouthpiece doesn't work for me.. but then again it's not mine...;-)

don't forget the safety gear... my facemask has saved me from some pretty good bruises...


Re: Banged up Pot

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:03 am
by Sasquatch
Yo yo, Scottie'z in Da Club!

It's official. The Pipe Killaz.

Now we rap:

Scottie made a pot but it looks like a Billy
To me the whole thing is gettin kinda silly
She came to get down
She came to get down
Fucked up on the buffer
And the pipe hit the ground y'all
Know how it feels Bitch
Cuz we all done it too
Now my shop has padded walls
Or maybe it's not a shop after all

Re: Banged up Pot

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:59 pm
by scotties22
Sas, that pretty much sums it up :lol:
I have a Jack Russel that is always under foot. I didn't know she was out in the garage with me. She brushed up against the back of my leg and I totally thought the boogie man had finally come to claim me for his own (this is at about 1:30 in the morning, mind you). I basically threw the pipe at the buffer wheel, caught my finger in the chuck and jumped about 15 feet in the air. Needless to say, I'm not excitable at all :oops:

My husband is constantly on me to wear the safety gear. I can't sand by hand without him asking where my safety goggles or face shield are :evil: He is a bit worried I'm going to be "Eight Fingered Charlie" (his words).

I really dig the "side saddle" bit. I can't say why exactly, but I like it better than a traditional saddle. I actually had a saddle on this to start and switched it up. Guess it goes back to beauty being in the eye of the beer holder.

Re: Banged up Pot

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:33 pm
by Sasquatch
I think some of those preferences are the basis for what at some point along the way becomes part of one's "style" whatever that means. I reckon Bruce sees the sideways saddle as a means of taking a pre-fab stem and making it look fancy - it's a fairly common "trick". In two years, you might see it the same way, or maybe you'll still like the basic idea and take it to new heights.

Anyway, that pipe came out pretty good, especially considering the number of pieces. I don't see it as a pot - I think it's a slightly chubby billiard. Reason I say this is that I consider pots (rightly or not) to have a chamber just about the same width as depth, and that's clearly not the case here. It's not a wide, squat pipe.

Anyway, your further shaping refinements worked good, now you get to go do it all again and this time don't break anything.

Re: Banged up Pot

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:34 pm
by Sasquatch
PS I know a guy who lost a thumb on a table saw because of a dog. And the dog stands accused not only of causing the accident, but also we think of eating the thumb! :lol:

Re: Banged up Pot

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:44 pm
by scotties22
I was gonna call it a pot-iard and changed my mind. :D

No more dogs while I'm working, that's for sure.

Re: Banged up Pot

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:17 am
by wdteipen
Nice save and sorry about your buffer accident. My buffer has claimed it's fair share of pipes too so I feel your pain. I agree with Bruce though. I'm not a fan of the side pinched saddle. It has a basket pipe feel to it but that's just personal preference. You'll find folks that do like that style. The problem with making pipes with features that appeal to a smaller audience is that they are tougher to sale so something to keep in mind. I have some aesthetic preferences that don't appeal to most and I have to try real hard not to indulge myself when making my pipes although every now and then one slips through. My paddle stem is a good example.

Re: Banged up Pot

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:50 am
by maxmil
Classic and well elaborated.
Best regards.

Clásica y bien elaborada.

Re: Banged up Pot

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:03 am
by bandkbrooks
Preferences aside, very nice save. I've done the "zzzziiiiing" across the room thing too. *&^#$*&^%! !!!!! :evil:

Re: Banged up Pot

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:17 pm
by scotties22
Aaahhhhhh....memories :lol:
Sasquatch wrote:Yo yo, Scottie'z in Da Club!

It's official. The Pipe Killaz.

Now we rap:

Scottie made a pot but it looks like a Billy
To me the whole thing is gettin kinda silly
She came to get down
She came to get down
Fucked up on the buffer
And the pipe hit the ground y'all
Know how it feels Bitch
Cuz we all done it too
Now my shop has padded walls
Or maybe it's not a shop after all

Re: Banged up Pot

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:37 pm
by Nate
Nice recovery!

Re: Banged up Pot

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:59 am
by pipedreamer
You recovered and didn't quit. But more important you are O.K.

Re: Banged up Pot

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:54 am
by billiard
Nice recovery, good work Scottie!

Re: Banged up Pot

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 6:13 pm
by Literaryworkshop
Very nice save. And a fine story to go with it. :D

I think a pinched saddle (is that what you call it?) would look better on a Dublin, though.

Re: Banged up Pot

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 9:49 am
by i.keenum
For a save you made quite a come back. That's quite a stunner scottie.

Re: Banged up Pot

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 3:01 pm
by mcgregorpipes
if only more threads were summarized like this. its also better than every rap by 'lil-who ever about the size of their rims

Sasquatch wrote:Yo yo, Scottie'z in Da Club!

It's official. The Pipe Killaz.

Now we rap:

Scottie made a pot but it looks like a Billy
To me the whole thing is gettin kinda silly
She came to get down
She came to get down
Fucked up on the buffer
And the pipe hit the ground y'all
Know how it feels Bitch
Cuz we all done it too
Now my shop has padded walls
Or maybe it's not a shop after all