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Pre Drilled Kit....Bowl Depth

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 10:08 pm
by Heirloom
I am making a freehand pipe from a Pimo pre-drilled Plateaux block and the tobacco hole looks extremely deep. It is a 3/4" bowl. Is there a set depth that makes one a better smoker than another?

I like to drill myself to have control over this but the block looked very nice and I never thought about the depth till I got started.


Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 10:48 pm
by Tyler
There is no set depth...just a matter of preference. If you want a shallower bowl, you can always take wood off the top of the bowl.

Have fun!!

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 11:02 pm
by bscofield
Tyler wrote:There is no set depth...just a matter of preference. If you want a shallower bowl, you can always take wood off the top of the bowl.

Have fun!!
WOW... he speaks!

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:02 am
by Heirloom
The block has a hole almost 2" deep x 3/4" diameter. I am keeping the bark edge so can't really shave it down. That will teach me to use a pre drilled block!

Funny, when I start shaping a pipe my head fills with 10 more ideas for the next designs. Each new turn in the shaping leads to more ideas. This certainly beats my earlier wood working experiences where I was tied to traditional cabinet and jewelry box shapes. Should have gone the pipe route years ago to re-spark my creativity. Even the ebacheon block seem to be constraining. Odd turn for me as I have always been a purist prefering to stick with traditional, classic designs in the past.

Great group, glad I found it.


Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:54 am
by ToddJohnson
Tony asked a question concerning:
bowel depth
Hi Tony,

Welcome to the group. I must admit I find this an odd question to ask in a pipemaking group, but I think I have your answer concerning "bowel depth." I was able to find out that the small intestine is approximately six meters long, while the large intestine is approximately a meter and a half. This brings the total "bowel depth" to 7.5 meters or almost 23 feet! Boy, I'm glad most bowls aren't that deep. You'd never get to the bottom. Hope that helps.


Todd--resident smart ass/jokester :D

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:05 am
by Brendhain

If you feel as though it is aesthetically pleasing having the "narrow" but tall bowl then there are still options to fixing it. Since you don't want to take the top off of the bowl, you could always bore the bowl out (or bowel as the case may be, but the bowel would be much more painful to bore least thats what I am told...not that there is anything wrong with it!).

Back to the bowl thing...there are people who do this with every pipe. They start with a small bit and progressively use large and larger bits until they get to the diameter they want.

I have had to do it a couple of time. Both cases were because of the fix you now find yourself. One time it turned out "not so great" and the other you couldn't even tell.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 10:22 am
by Heirloom
Thanks for both the advice AND the humor. I guess I had better start using spell check or at least not try posting when I am half asleep!


Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 2:08 pm
by LexKY_Pipe
I'm glad this a forum that can laugh about things. Some forums are a bit up tight to say the least. :thumb: