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Another milestone!

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 3:50 pm
by Ocelot55
One year ago I made a decision that changed my life. I joined pipemakers forum! The only other decision I've made since then that has had a greater impact on my life was getting married. Both great decisions.

I don't believe I know a better group of guys and girls around. You have all been generous, patient, supportive, hilarious, and real first class acts. Before I joined I had made about 15 pipes. I didn't think there was anything to it other than shaping a block of wood and shoving a stem in it. Boy, was I ever wrong; but this forum has taught me many lessons not related to pipe making. Lessons like patience, hard work, curiosity, friendship, and excellence. I found that as I concentrated on making pipes as close to perfect as I could, that attention to detail, patience, and hard work began to manifest itself in other parts of my life as well. Its amazing to think that something that simple could have such an impact. Failure and success has tempered and developed me into an individual that is much better than when I began this journey.

I've had a lot of challenges to overcome: no shop, no money, no talent, but if you would have told me that in one year after joining this forum that I'd have a lathe, made 60 pipes, sold several to customers across the globe, and made a lot of talented friends, I would have scoffed. Of course it also helps that this is the first hobby I've had that has turned a profit, and my wife and family are very supportive.

Now,my pipes aren't exactly anywhere close to the quality of most, and even aren't as good as many newer members here, but I'm always getting better. It may just take a bit longer to get there, but, after all, that journey is half the fun. Briar dust is in my soul now. I don't think I could stop making pipes even if I wanted to.

Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for this experience. A very special thanks to Kurt and Tyler for getting this going. You guys rock! And thanks to all the pros who, even after saying the same critiques to scores of new pipe makers, still take the time to correct our novice mistakes. Thanks to all those who have taken time to contact me about my pipes and shoot the breeze about all material tobacco and pipe related. Thanks for the laughs and lessons. Some of you folks are household names around here. If my wife hears me laughing from the other room she'll usually yell, "What did Sas say now?" :mrgreen:

I can't wait to see what the next year brings. Thanks for taking the time to read my long obnoxious post. :lol:

For jolly's sake, as soon as I get the camera back I'll post some pics of my first pipe. That otta get a laugh! :roll:

Re: Another milestone!

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 4:54 pm
by jogilli
Next time your wife asks.. what would Sas Say

just yell


Re: Another milestone!

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 5:25 pm
by The Smoking Yeti
I feel the same way man. Albeit I'm not married... yet. This forum has been an amazing place to grow as a pipemaker/person! I love you guys! :D

Re: Another milestone!

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 8:48 pm
by d.huber

Great post, Jessie!

Re: Another milestone!

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:15 am
by wmolaw
Agreed, agreed, and agreed. Hard to imagine where else I could possibly have garnered all the information I have but on this forum!

Thanks, to all, and especially, as noted, to Kurt and Tyler.

Re: Another milestone!

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:29 am
by the rev
Congrats on your anniversary. Hope I have something to be proud of on mine. You have done very well
