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Pipe Seller/Maker Domain Name - For Sale

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 12:21 am
by custom300
All of you pipemakers...I have two pipe domains for sale. If you are interested in setting up your own website for displaying your works of art for hobby or sale you might be interested in these. I'm not a Domain marketer so I have no idea what these are worth...i'm thinking $100. I do know that if I let them go back into the general pool, some broker will grab them and it would probably take $1000 or more to get them back. I'd just soon see some of my old pipe buddies be able to use them if they fit your needs.

Here's how the transaction would work. Buyers would be required to have a Paypal account. Once we agree on a price and I receive payment, I'll give you a transfer code, which would allow you to transfer them from me to you. It's a process that takes a couple of days I think. The domain names are and

If you are interested, send me an email at

Best of Regards,