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Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:11 pm
by BigCasino
so lets hear it fellas what have I done wrong and what needs improved?

beisdes wiping the finger smudges off of the stem b4 I take pics

thanks for looking

Re: No.4

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:42 pm
by The Smoking Yeti
Hey Casino! It' good to see you plugging away at these pipes. No4 for me was no looker, that's for sure.

For this point, I'd say the biggest thing is a diet. The pipe has too much briar remaining. Never be afraid to cut more off. Try to define the shape. Right now there is no transition from shank to the bowl. It's really just a mass of unformed wood. Try to really cut away at that shank, give the bowl some definition. It'll make a huge difference. As far as the stem goes, did you cut this one yourself? Or is a modified pre-fab?

I think if you cut some weight of the shank and bowl, the natural flow into the stem would improve on it's own.

Keep at it man! :D

Re: No.4

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:12 am
by BigCasino
Thanks for the advice!
I was going for a horn shape, I was afraid if I took more from the shank there would be too drastic of a transition from the bowl to the stem and it would look like a spindly horn, I was thinking of what a steer horn looked like when I was shaping it.

The stem is from PME all I had to do was drill and tap for the tenon, used the taper bit to reem out the airway and shape the airway at the bit end, and then of course bend it.
I am trying to get a lathe so I can start cutting my own