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Inlay help....I'm thicker on one end than the other

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:09 am
by scotties22
So I am trying my hand (for the first time) at a stem inlay. I am using azurite sandwiched between two slivers of ivory (both faux, by the way) and I noticed a problem tonight before I pulled the stem off the lathe. Even though I made damned sure that both rings of ivory were the same width, the top one seems wider than the bottom (not by much, but noticeable). And I mean I measure the things about 20 times to make sure they matched perfectly.

My question is could this be because of the taper I am putting on the stem? Is this something I need to keep in mind if I plan to taper a stem like this again?

Oh, sorry for the crappy picture, I had a few spots in the azurite I was trying to sand out before I pulled it off the lathe.(and I'm still trying to set my taper....I blew a stem up last night when I got a little carried away with my turning tool...thought I would go the long route this time and finish the rest with sandpaper. I know it will take me longer, but that's okay, I ain't in a hurry)


Any insight you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Inlay help....I'm thicker on one end than the other

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:25 am
by Sasquatch
Dunno. If I look at it upside down I see a witch, and if I look at it right side up, I see a beautiful lady. I'm confused.

I'd say continue on - you might be seeing glue lines, sanding marks, etc that are tricking your eye. The pattern in the azurite might be doing the same. Or..... or you just didn't get 'em quite the same. :?

Re: Inlay help....I'm thicker on one end than the other

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:48 am
by BigCasino
IMHO I think you are worrying too much, or I need glasses cause to me if there is a difference it is very very slight and more than likely not noticible to most people, one of my art mentors taught me to always remember "we are our own worst critic"

Re: Inlay help....I'm thicker on one end than the other

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 3:28 am
by andrew
Meh. Just finish it and look at it then. Could be glue, could be haze from turning, just finish it and take a look. The azurite stuff will look snappy, but very prominent.

Re: Inlay help....I'm thicker on one end than the other

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 3:49 am
by caskwith
i wouldn't worry about it, looks good from here anyway.

Re: Inlay help....I'm thicker on one end than the other

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:27 am
by d.huber
Looks good to me. :thumbsup:

Could be one of those cases where you've been obsessing over getting something perfect but when you return to it, you won't see the issue at all. Happens all the time with me.

Re: Inlay help....I'm thicker on one end than the other

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:21 pm
by Joe Hinkle Pipes
I'm not noticing it either, although if you cut a ring of ivory at 1mm and then sand it to a 45 degree angle the ring will actually be longer. That could be what you are experiencing, one ring is at 90 degrees to the tenon, the other is at 23 degrees.

Re: Inlay help....I'm thicker on one end than the other

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:16 pm
by wdteipen
I agree with what's been said so far. You are probably right that the taper makes the one on the bit end a tad longer but if you look at it directly from the profile, it should look the same which it does to me in your photo.

Re: Inlay help....I'm thicker on one end than the other

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:23 pm
by scotties22
Thanks guys. As I get into this stem more I have decided two things.....1. I still really hate cutting my own stems (I know they will get easier the more I do) 2. I am NOT going to get an air compressor yet....I'm going to spend the $400(ish) bucks and get a Taig. Doing stems on my wood lathe is not working for me. The only way I see it working is to get a chuck just for stems and another set of turning tools just for stems. By the time I do that I might as well have bought a Taig that is for nothing but stems :banghead: ...soon precious...soooooon

Re: Inlay help....I'm thicker on one end than the other

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:12 pm
by Sasquatch
What do you feel a taig will do better? I'm just about positive it's not going to help what you want helped. To me, you have a tooling issue (like, buy a better chuck, maybe) or a user error issue. Don't know that a Taig is the answer for either.

Re: Inlay help....I'm thicker on one end than the other

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:21 pm
by scotties22
oh I know it's a user and tooling issue. I think that a Taig will give me something that is dedicated just for stems. I know I can achieve the same thing with a new chuck and tools dedicated just for stems. But for the same money, I can buy a Taig.

Re: Inlay help....I'm thicker on one end than the other

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:29 pm
by Sasquatch
Let me put this another way: what is a Taig going to do that fixes your issues? What does it solve? I'm not seeing it. There's a distinct lack of "I'm sure glad I bought this Taig" posts on this site. :idea:

Re: Inlay help....I'm thicker on one end than the other

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:38 pm
by scotties22
Probably nothing that a new chuck and more patience while I'm working won't do. It's more that it was my plan from the beginning to get one and I haven't just gotten around to it.

Re: Inlay help....I'm thicker on one end than the other

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:40 pm
by Sasquatch
I'm not saying it's dumb, but I think a lot of more experienced pipe makers would say you'll have better success with proper tooling on the big machine.

Re: Inlay help....I'm thicker on one end than the other

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:53 pm
by scotties22
I think a lot of it, for me anyway, is I have a lot of catches while I am working on stems (and yes, I know this is a user confidence issue). I do not, however, have this issue while I am working a stummel...go figure. The tool will grab (new cutting head that is super duper sharp) and it freaks me out and the next thing I know I have a huge burned spot or a chuck missing out of the rod.

My experience with a lathe is wood shop in high school and turning a baseball bat. Everything else I have figured out since I got my lathe this fall (with all of your help....which I appreciate more than I can say).

I sent Anthony Harris (of Acme Pipes) an email a while back about stopping by his shop for a visit and a little advise on the things I am having problems with and got no response. Maybe my email got lost..... He teaches classes at the Woodcraft here and I have never been able to get to one. I figured at least that way I could meet him and introduce myself. He is the only pipe maker I know of here in KC. Maybe I should just pick up the phone and give him a call.

Maybe what I am saying (rather long windedly) is that a Taig would give me a bit more confidence while working on stems.

Re: Inlay help....I'm thicker on one end than the other

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:54 pm
by WCannoy
Sasquatch wrote: There's a distinct lack of "I'm sure glad I bought this Taig" posts on this site. :idea:
I'm sure glad I bought this Taig!


It's great for holding my cigarette and drink! :thumbsup:

Re: Inlay help....I'm thicker on one end than the other

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:59 pm
by scotties22 wanna trade me your taig for one of my coaster sets?

Re: Inlay help....I'm thicker on one end than the other

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:07 pm
by WCannoy
scotties22 wanna trade me your taig for one of my coaster sets?
Not if they're thicker on one end than the other! :lol:

Seriously, I use this from time to time out of convenience. I could live without it. I can do all of my stem and band work on the big lathe.

Just remember rule #1: Tools are not the secret to making better pipes.

Re: Inlay help....I'm thicker on one end than the other

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:08 pm
by Tyler
I'm glad I bought a Taig, and I'm glad I still own one.

I just ordered a big new shiny lathe. I am selling my Jet 9x20 to subsidize the purchase. I am NOT selling the Taig. (OK, mostly that's because it wouldn't generate much money.) Still, it's a great little stem lathe.

For 10 years I made pipes with a wood lathe and Taig. That's a good set up for drill-first pipe making.

EDIT: Walt posted while I was writing. What he said.

Re: Inlay help....I'm thicker on one end than the other

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:00 pm
by scotties22
As I didn't make the coasters I'm pretty sure they are even :lol:

I know that a Taig isn't going to help me make better pipes than I am now......only hard work and turning out a bunch of pipes will do that. But getting a wood lathe helped a great deal with shaping stummels (edit...and drilling). I think a Taig might do the same for my stems for about the same money it will take me to properly tool up my wood lathe like I want to specifically for stems.