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GP02 2nd pipe, 1st rustication

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:53 pm
by Great Plains Piper
So I made this pipe for me and in the end I'm really ok with it, especially considering all the trials along the way.

I have a very basic workshop setup (hand tools, cordless drill, and two different dremels) and so I purchased a pre-drilled kit and stem from Mark Tinsky. The block ended up with tons of large pits when I was nearing final shape and so I knew I'd rusticate, even still, some of the pits are visible. Shortly after making that decision I broke the tenon off of the Tinsky stem and decided that since I was going to order a new stem anyway that I would do so from PIMO since I needed a couple other things anyway. That ended up being a major mistake because the "tenon" that PIMO puts on their stems is almost nothing more than a slight depression near the end. In the end I was sort of amazed that I actually made the stem fit at all. At one point I tried to push the tenon in before it was small enough and I cracked the shank but was able to completely cut that part away. That created it's own set of problems with the stem junction and truth be told it's still not perfect but I can live with it. Combine all this with a first time rustication and all the testing and different methods I tried out along the way and this pipe really has a long story...

Anyway, here are a few pictures I snapped with my phone quick last night after I finished it. I'll probably take some better pictures later but to be honest I'm a little afraid of how bad the stem/shank junction will look in better lighting.





Re: GP02 2nd pipe, 1st rustication

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 12:26 am
by AlfaDog
I really like this pipe. I think sitters are cool for one thing and I think you did a good job on your first rustication. Overall very nice and a fantastic second pipe. The way you plowed on in spite of the problems says alot about your tenacity. I'm looking forward to your next one. :D

Re: GP02 2nd pipe, 1st rustication

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 12:39 am
by the rev
just a totally subjective taste thing, but I think I would like it more if the rustication came all the way to the stem except for a ring like at the top of the bowl


Re: GP02 2nd pipe, 1st rustication

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:15 am
by Great Plains Piper
I was actually planning at first to do it that way Rev. I'll admit that I chickened out because I was afraid of trying to rusticate down through the transition and along the shank. I settled on the idea of a rustication that stayed on the bowl only, since it was my first attempt at rustication and all. Like I said, this pipe is for me and so I was unwilling to take huge risks because if I jacked it up completely I wouldn't have a nice briar pipe broken in by the time I go camping this spring.

All in all I feel like this pipe taught me many lessons, a bonus that it wasn't ruined completely in the process. In this scenario on another pipe I think I'd be ready to rusticate all the way through while hopefully avoiding some rookie moves (and probably making others in the process...).

Re: GP02 2nd pipe, 1st rustication

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 8:35 am
by BigCasino
I like how the rustication is on the bowl only it kinda says "hey here is my shape", but it would have looked good had you have gone the whole way with it as well