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My 2nd attempt at a bent pipe

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 2:24 pm
by Bobostro61
OK, this was from a pipe kit I got last year. One issue I had while making it was the fact they who ever bored the tobacco chamber drilled so deep with a pointed bit that the bottom of the tobacco chamber is more than 1/4" below the draft hole. Hence, the major sag at the bottom of the bowl. I was too scared to take any more off in fear of sanding right into the chamber. Other than that, and the pit on top of the pipe, for a second attempt it could be better I guess. It is what it is as they say....




Re: My 2nd attempt at a bent pipe

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:12 am
by Thomas Tkach
Your finishing looks good, but you can make the top of the bowl-shank transition crisper and more defined.