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Where do you even go about getting briar like this ?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 1:28 pm
by i.keenum
One of the most stunning displays of straight grain and birdseye I have ever seen:

Can you buy blocks like that individually or is it more along the line of winning the lottery and it just happens to be in a good bag o briar?

Re: Where do you even go about getting briar like this ?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 1:39 pm
by W.Pastuch
After working with briar for some time you start to understand a very simple, but very true fact : the best pipe makers do not make beautifully grained pipes because they have magical briar. They make beautifully grained pipes because they are able to tell where the grain goes in a block and they can orient the shape accordingly. It makes a huge, huge difference.

Re: Where do you even go about getting briar like this ?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 1:55 pm
by sandahlpipe
Not all briar will give you that tight of grain. But you should be able to find nice grain from all the cutters. The trick is to know what shape you want and if the block's grain will fit the shape. Then it's a matter of chance to find above average grain density to make it look just right. Typically, the cutters know which blocks are likely to have tight grain and charge a premium. Until you can make a world class pipe, getting briar with the best grain is probably not worthwhile.

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Re: Where do you even go about getting briar like this ?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:45 pm
by i.keenum
I'm not wanting it for me to buyp, I was just curious. I've seen nice stuff on ebay and I stick to what ever Mr. Tinsky gives me in his kits for now. :D Just never seen a piece like that before (pipe or block form) and was curious if it was mostly luck to come across grain like that.

Re: Where do you even go about getting briar like this ?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:46 pm
by Ocelot55
Don't listen to them Ian. These two gentlemen, while excellent pipe carvers, are completely mistaken concerning where briar of that nature originates. Most of the tomes I've consulted tell me that a most complicated summoning ritual is involved, for you see, briar that nice cannot be grown, it must be conjured! I believe the ritual itself involves spilling three pounds of Captain Black on the ground to signal that the pipe you are summoning will not be defiled by such a dreadful aromatic. Next it is necessary to sacrifice a virgin Dunhill Pipe by removing the stem and crushing the bowl beneath your heel. After placing the broken shards of the Dunhill on the pile of Captain Black, all that is need is the proper incantation. Viola!

Re: Where do you even go about getting briar like this ?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 3:01 pm
by sandahlpipe
I doubt you will find a difference in a well-engineered pipe from Tinsky briar or a grade 1 plateaux from Mimmo. Engineering makes a difference in smoking. As long as the block has been properly boiled, grain is just for looks anyways.

When you're good enough to choose your own briar, the recommendation is to visit the cutter in person and pick it yourself. Hopefully by then you will be able to tell what's in a block by looking at the outside.

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Re: Where do you even go about getting briar like this ?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 3:04 pm
by N.Burnsworth
Ocelot55 wrote:Don't listen to them Ian. These two gentlemen, while excellent pipe carvers, are completely mistaken concerning where briar of that nature originates. Most of the tomes I've consulted tell me that a most complicated summoning ritual is involved, for you see, briar that nice cannot be grown, it must be conjured! I believe the ritual itself involves spilling three pounds of Captain Black on the ground to signal that the pipe you are summoning will not be defiled by such a dreadful aromatic. Next it is necessary to sacrifice a virgin Dunhill Pipe by removing the stem and crushing the bowl beneath your heel. After placing the broken shards of the Dunhill on the pile of Captain Black, all that is need is the proper incantation. Viola!
Bwahahaha!!! Ian, you think that's some crazy shit, you should hear how he won the American pipe carvers contest, I heard there was chicken blood everywhere! (might have been Feibings dye) :twisted: LMAO!

Re: Where do you even go about getting briar like this ?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 3:33 pm
by Alden
Say "All that glitters is not Gold" and shove a Dunhill pipe down a crawdad hole.

Re: Where do you even go about getting briar like this ?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 3:35 pm
by W.Pastuch
sandahlpipe wrote:I doubt you will find a difference in a well-engineered pipe from Tinsky briar or a grade 1 plateaux from Mimmo. Engineering makes a difference in smoking.
You would find a difference as briar from different sources may taste differently because of a) climate and soil of where it grew and b) processing by the briar mill.

However you probably wouldn't be able to tell which is which, unless you had tested many pipes made from briar from both sources.

Again, there is no magical briar mill and there are no cutters selling "hyper tight grain" blocks for 300$ (if there are, well, they're good businessmen ;) ). The pipemaker's skill is absolutely essential. Sometimes you see that very clearly when a change of angle during shaping can turn perfect straight grain into so-so flame grain, simply because you cut it in a wrong way.

Re: Where do you even go about getting briar like this ?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 3:39 pm
by i.keenum
Do I get the keep the mudbug aftwards (good eatn ya know)? and does the dunhill it have to be a new dunhill or can I use some of the overpriced frankenstien pieces I see on ebay somtimes?

Re: Where do you even go about getting briar like this ?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 5:21 pm
by scotties22
Those of you at the KC show who saw my contest pipe can tell ya it was 360 straight grain. Real pretty piece of wood. That pipe came from a block that was just so-so until I turned it upside down. It's a $15 block of briar. If you are getting decent wood from a reputable cutter that's half the battle. The hard part is SEEING a certain shape in a block and being able to execute accordingly. That only comes with practice. There are makers who have tons of blocks with grain this nice and they pay a premium for them. But unless they have the eye and experience that block will NEVER see its full potential.


Sorry for the sideways pic, my phone is being funky.

Re: Where do you even go about getting briar like this ?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 5:48 pm
by Albert.A
Very beautiful grain (and pipe for that matter) :)

Re: Where do you even go about getting briar like this ?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 7:20 pm
by i.keenum
Thanks for the info brothers. That is a beautiful pipe Scottie.