Delurk photos

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Delurk photos

Post by Hogi »

Hello everybody, I've been lurking here about three months or so, and have made a few pipes, and I really like it. I think I met a few of you at the chicago show, Nick and Rad. But, since I'm kinda shy you probably don't remember me.

Anyway, I've got my first briar pipe done, I'm pretty happy with it. This one was from a mimo kit I picked up in chicago. I don't have any tools for machining the holes, so all my pipes except this one are done with a hand drill. Here are some pictures. I have some other pipes too, I'll post pics tommorow.




Now, this isn't my first pipe. A few years ago I made some out of pipestone, and those a great warclubs, but they never get smoked. Also, I made some out of freshly chopped cherry wood, but they all cracked quite badly. I made a few out of seasoned cherry, that are smoking quite well and allow me to practice shaping, but they are not quite as pretty as briar.

This pipe was alot of fun to make. ABout when I was done I read about keeping the bottom in line w/ the shank, but I was too much of a chicken to change it. Actually, I was too lazy, so I reworked the underside of the shank/bowl junction.

So, hello everybody, thank you for all the educational posts.
Any and all feedback would be much appreciated.

Oh, and sorry about the dark photos. I have a older camera that can't take close pictures very well, and a dark photo seemed to help the focus.
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Post by mahaffy »

I'm sorry, Hogi; this happens here, sometimes. Somebody posts, and everyone seems to be busy that night or next day, takes a glance and says to himself, I'll come back to this one when I can spend some time instead of writing something meaningless. And next time, the little icon isn't lit up so show a new post, so. . . . PURELY unintentional, I assure you.

Anyway, as a new guy myself, I usually let some of the "older" guys give their opinions on early posts, but just to show you my heart's in the right place, I'll say that the stem looks kind-a tacked on, as though it belongs to some other pipe -- shows especially in photo 4. I'll guess that one of the sages might say that one should make sure all the ideas one has for a pipe will work together. And I'm sure there will be much more helpful advice and comment coming soon; hang in there. And that pipe, by the way, is a lot better than I did on my number one.
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Post by Hogi »

Yeah, I feel the same way about the stem. The expansion at the base of the stem (side to side) is to much. I thought about that, but decided to leave it because the bowl isn't dainty, and might not look good with a dainty stem. But, I may still go back and change it, I'm not sure.

Thanks for the feed back.
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Post by Heinz_D »

Hogi, just at the weekend it's often difficult to get some response... :wink:

O.K., the shape is unusal but realy nice with a pretty grain. The stem is a little bit out of the pipes symmetry but I wouldn't change it anyway: Just keep it to remember your first work at all! I had a similar problem with my first stem: ... pic&t=1610 (scroll down some posts...) I also thought about changing, but then I decided, that a finished "first" should be as it is. Later you'll remember proudly the first pipe and wonder about your improofment...

Greetings from Germany

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