Any takers on a commission

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Any takers on a commission

Post by Ocelot55 »

As I contemplated my pipe collection, I decided that I needed a small lovat. I love the Dunhill 3111 shape but since I'm a bit strapped for cash I was seriously considering a wessex lovat. As all this ran through my mind I thought: "hey, why spend my good money on a pipe from a big company when I could commission a true artist and member of the pipe making community to make one for me, especially since my skills are not quite good enough to make one myself yet."

I do have several preferences:
a cumberland stem (Right now I suck at cutting stems from stock, especially without a lathe)
no longer than 5" or so
approximately a dunhill group 3 or under
sandblasted or smooth (no rustication)
and finally (here is the kicker) around or under $150

I apologize for the budgetary constraints, but I have to pay for next semester's tuition as well. Let me know if there are any takers.
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Re: Any takers on a commission

Post by Ocelot55 »

I've got some quotes by pm already! Gee, you guys sure jump at the chance to make a buck. (not that I blame you) Thanks guys.
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