Another attempt at a dublin pipe

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Another attempt at a dublin pipe

Post by uniquebriar »

Here is another attempt at a dublin pipe. Please let me know what you think all critique would be very helpful.

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Re: Another attempt at a dublin pipe

Post by Ocelot55 »

Looks like a dublin; looks like a nice pipe; looks like it has your own spin on it.

Overall I'd say you did a good job, but we've yet to see you make anything that fits the classical definitions of a shape in the strictest sense. For instance, this is definitely a dublin, but not a classical one. On a classic Dublin the shank would taper toward the stem, not pinch in near the bowl. Your stem is also a little short for a classic Dublin.

Obviously this is just your interpretation of that shape. There is nothing wrong with that. I think you have your own aesthetic, which is great, but maybe you should try to make something that follows all the classical rules just to show us you can. Then we would also be able to offer better critique.
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